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My Services

We believe that every mother deserves access to the best breastfeeding resources. Let us help you navigate the challenges of breastfeeding and provide you with the tools you need to thrive. With Kristen Kratz Lactation Care, you can rest assured that you and your baby are in good hands.


Prenatal Consultation - $100

  • Office visit. Visit includes:

    • Benefits of breastfeeding

    • Overview of milk production

    • Getting off to a good start

    • Latching techniques

    • How to tell if baby is getting enough

    • Hand expression of colostrum/milk

    • Troubleshooting of possible breastfeeding challenges

    • Strategies to help with the early days after birth

  • Copy of Injoy Understanding Breastfeeding Book

  • One follow-up phone call after birth for basic questions if needed during first week


Postpartum Consultation - $200

  • Office visit. Visit includes:

    • Review of medical history of mom and baby or babies as it pertains to lactation

    • Assessment of baby oral anatomy/body positioning

    • Maternal assessment

    • Full feeding assessment

    • Use of test weight scale to assess milk transfer of baby

    • Establishing a feeding plan for future feedings


Follow-up Consultations - $150

  • Office visit for established clients only

  • Follow-up visits need to be within a few weeks from initial postpartum consult

Smiling Baby

What to Expect

Visits are done in an office setting that is set up more like a home than an office.  We have a changing table, baby blankets, burp cloths, diapers and wipes, “My Breast Friend” breastfeeding pillow, and bed pillows as well as a couch. This allows us to try multiple positions. We have a Moby Wrap and a ring sling for demonstration on baby wearing.  You will have access to a bathroom with a sink to wash any bottles, pacifiers, shields or pump parts. You also are welcome to bring any breastfeeding pillows, pumps or equipment that you like.


You are more than welcome to bring someone along with you. Baby’s siblings are welcome and we have a few toys for them to play with if needed. Our goal is to help you relax as much as possible while visiting our office.  Once a visit is scheduled you will need to complete client intake forms and view and sign Consent for Care/HIPPA. Ideally, your baby should be ready for a feeding during a visit. After the visit, a plan will be sent to you to help you meet your feeding goals. 

Insurance & Payments

In network with:


*and their subsidiaries

After your visit, I will bill your insurance company directly. There is no payment expected at time of consult if I am in-network with your insurance company, unless specified prior to visit. In the event I am not reimbursed through your insurance company, a bill will be sent directly to you.  If you have an insurance plan that is out of network, payment is expected at the time of the consult.  Payments can be made with cash, check or credit card. In those circumstances, I will provide you with a "Superbill", which can be submitted to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. A superbill does not guarantee your reimbursement.  Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) you may be eligible for reimbursement.  


If you use Square: Payments may be made electronically using a credit card.  I use Square to process payments. Square meets the high standards of HIPAA and the banking industry for security and privacy with regard to financial transactions.  However, Square may send, automatically or per your request, email or text message receipts that reveal personal health information such as the date and type of lactation visit.   If you are not comfortable with this, payment may be made via cash or check instead. 

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